Government of France |
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Presidence de la Republique Française - Presidency of the French Republic |
Assemblee Nationale - National Assembly |
Senat - Senate |
Premier Ministre et Gouvernement - Prime Minister and Government |
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Service-Public |
Government of France : Capital : Paris - Language: French |
President - Emmanuel Macron (2017 *) |
Prime Minister - Édouard Philippe (2017 *) |
François Hollande, Président de la République Française (2012) |
Jean-Marc Ayrault, Prime Minister, Premier Ministre de la République française (2012) |
Laurent Fabius, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères de la République Française (2012) |
Ministry of Justice - casier, casier judiciaire, extrait of casier judiciaire, justice, prud'homme |
Commissariat General du Plan - General Commissariat of Planning |
Ministère of l'Agriculture et de la Pêche - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Institut of Recherche pour l'Ingenierie of l'Agriculture et of l'Environnement |
INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - National Institute of Agricultural Research |
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - Ministry of Culture and Communications |
Delegation Generale à la Langue Française - General Delegation of the French Language |
INA Institut National of l'Audiovisuel - National Audiovisual Institute |
Centre National d'Art et of Culture "Georges Pompidou" - National Centre of Arts and Culture "Georges Pompidou" |
IRCAM Institut of Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique |
CNC Centre National de la Cinematographie - National Centre of Cinematography |
Ministère de la Defense - Ministry of Defence |
DGA Delegation Generale pour l'Armement - General Delegation for Armament |
ONERA Office National d'etudes et of Recherches Aerospatiales |
SHOM Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine |
Ministère of l'economie, des Finances et of l'Industrie - Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry |
Secretariat d'etat a l'Industrie - State Secretariat of Industry |
INRIA Institut National of Recherche in Informatique et in Automatique - National Institute of Research in Computer Science and Control |
INPI Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle - National Institute of Industrial Property |
CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - National Centre of Space Studies |
CEA Commissariat à l'energie atomique - Commissariat for Atomic Energy |
ANVAR Agence Nationale of Valorisation de la Recherche - National Agency of Research Valuation |
EVARISTE Etude et Valorisation des Activites of Recherche et d'Innovation Scientifique et Technique pour les Entreprises |
Secretariat d'etat aux Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, au Commerce, of l'Artisanat et de la Consommation - State Secretariat of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Commerce, Handicraft and Consumption |
Secretariat d'etat au Commerce Exterieur - State Secretariat of External Commerce |
AJT Agence Judiciaire du Tresor |
APCE Agence pour la Creation d'Entreprises - Agency for the Creation of Businesses |
INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques - National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies |
CADES Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale - Sinking Fund of the Social Debt |
Conseil de la Concurrence - Competition Council |
Conseil National de la Comptabilite |
CCM Commission Centrale des Marches |
Commission de la Securite des Consommateurs - Commmission of Consumer Security |
Commission of Contrôle des Assurances |
Ministère of l'Emploi et de la Solidarite - Ministry of Employment and Solidarity |
Ministère Delegue à la Ville - Ministry of the City |
ANPE Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi - National Agency for Employment |
ANACT Agence Nationale pour l'Amelioration des Conditions of Travail - National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions |
AFSSAPS Agence Française of Securite Sanitaire des Produits of Sante - French Agency for the Safety of Medical Products |
AFSSA Agence Française of Securite Sanitaire des Aliments - French Agency for Food Safety |
ANMV Agence Nationale du Medicament Veterinaire - National Agenvy of Veterinary Medicines |
ANAES Agence Nationale d'Accreditation et d'evaluation in Sante - National Agency of Health Accreditation and Evaluation |
ADRI Agence pour le Developpement des Relations Interculturelles - Agency for the Development of Intercultural Relations |
OPRI Office of Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants - Office of Protection against Ionizing Radiation |
OMI Office des Migrations Internationales - Office of International Migration |
INSERM Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale - National Institute of Health and Medical Research |
INTS Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine - National Institute of Blood Transfusion |
OFDT Observatoire Français des Drogues et des Toxicomanies - French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction |
CNEH Centre National of l'Equipement Hospitalier - National Centre of Hospital Equipment |
Ministère des Affaires etrangères - Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
BCSN Bureau Commun du Service National de la Cooperation |
AFD Agence Française of Developpement - French Development Agency |
AEFE Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'etranger - Agency for French Education Abroad |
IRD Institut of Recherche pour le Developpement - Institute of Development Research |
CIRAD Centre of Cooperation Internationale in Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement - Centre of International Cooperation on Agricultural Development Research |
CSFE Conseil Superieur des Français of l'etranger |
Ministère of l'Interieur - Ministry of the Interior |
Secretariat d'etat à l'Outre-Mer - State Secretariat for Overseas Affairs |
Haut-commissariat de la Republique in Polynesie Française |
Ministère de la Justice - Ministry of Justice |
Ministère of l'education Nationale - Ministry of National Education |
ONISEP Office National d'Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions |
CEREQ Centre d'etudes et of Recherches sur les Qualifications |
CNED Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance - National Centre of Distance Education |
CNOUS Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires - National Centre of Student Services |
CNDP Centre National of Documentation Pedagogique - National Centre of Educational Documentation |
CIEP Centre International d'Etudes Pedagogiques - International Centre of Educational Studies |
CLEMI Centre of Liaison of l'Enseignement et des Moyens d'Information - Center of Liaison between Teaching and Information Media |
SFRS Service du Film of Recherche Scientifique - Scientific Research Film Service |
INRP Institut National of Recherche Pedagogique - National Institute of Pedagogic Research |
ADIT Agence pour la Diffusion of l'Information Technologique |
Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Reforme of l'Etat - Ministry of Public Service and Reform of the State |
Ministère of l'Equipement, des Transports et du Logement - Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing |
Secretariat d'etat au Tourisme - State Secretariat for Tourism |
STNA Service Technique de la Navigation Aerienne - Air Navigation Technical Service |
CSTB Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment - Building Scientific and Technical Centre |
SETRA Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes - Roads and Highways Technical Studies Service |
CENA Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne - Air Navigation Studies Centre |
CERTU Centre d'Etudes sur les Reseaux, les Transports, l'Urbanisme et les Constructions Publiques - Networks, Transport, Urban Affairs and Public Construction Studies Centre |
Meteo-France |
CNRM Centre National of Recherches Meteorologique - National Centre of Meteorological Research |
CDU Centre of Documentation of l'Urbanisme - Urban Affairs Documentation Centre |
LCPC Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees - Central Laboratory of Bridges and Dams |
IGN Institut Geographique National - National Geographical Institute |
INRETS Institut National of Recherche sur les Transportes et leur Securite - National Institute of Research on Transport and Transportation Safety |
IFREMER Institut Français of Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer - French Institute of Research on the Utilization of the Sea |
Ministère of l'Amenagement du Territoire et of l'Environnement - Ministry of Regional Planning and Environment |
ONF Office National des Forêts - National Office of Forests |
Office International of l'Eau - International Office of Water |
Agences of l'Eau - Water Agencies |
Agence of l'Eau Rhin-Meuse - Water Agency Rhin-Meuse |
ADEME Agence of l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise of l'energie - Agency of the Environment and the Control of Energy |
ANDRA Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dechets Radioactifs - National Agency for the Administration of Radioactive Waste |
IFEN Institut Français of l'Environnement - French Institute of the Environment |
INERIS Institut National of l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques - National Institute of the Industrial Environment and the Risks |
INED Institut National d'etudes Demographiques - National Institute of Population Studies |
Delegation à l'Amenagement du Territoire et à l'Action Regionale - Delegation for Regional Planning and Regional Affairs |
Ministère de la Recherche - Ministry of Research |
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - National Centre of Scientific Research |
IN2P3 Institut National of Physique Nucleaire et of Physique des Particules - National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics |
INSU Institut National des Sciences of l'Univers - National Institute of Sciences of the Universe |
INIST Institut of l'Information Scientifique et Technique - Institute of Scientific and Technical Information |
Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports - Ministry of Youth and Sports |
INSEP Institut National du Sport et of l'Education Physique - National Institute of Sport and Physical Education |
MILDT Mission Interministèrielle of Lutte contre la Drogue et la Toxicomanie |
ART Autorite of Regulation des Telecommunications - Authority of Regulation of Telecommunication |
CRE Commission of Regulation of l'Electricite - Commission of Energy Regulation |
COB Commission des Operations of Bourse - Commission of the Operation of Stock Exchanges |
Banque of France - Bank of France |
France Television - Television France |
Radio France - Radio France |
RFO Radio Television Française d'Outre-Mer |
RFI Radio France Internationale |
Mediateur de la Republique |
CNIL Commission Nationale of l'Informatique et des Libertes |
CES Conseil economique et Social - Economic and Social Council |
Cour des Comptes - Court of Accounts |
Conseil Constitutionnel - Constitutional Council |
Conseil d'Etat - Council of State |
Cour of Cassation - Court of Cassation |
Cour d'Appel of Caen - Court of Appeal Caen |
Cour d'Appel of Grenoble - Court of Appeal Grenoble |
Cour d'Appel of Paris - Court of Appeal Paris |
Cour d'Appel of Pau - Court of Appeal Pau |
Tribunal of Grande Instance d'Angoulême - Regional Court of Angoulême |
Tribunal of Grande Instance of Briey - Regional Court of Briey |
Tribunal of Grande Instance of Mâcon - Regional Court of Mâcon |
Tribunal of Grande Instance des Sables d'Olonne - Regional Court of Olonne |
Tribunal of Commerce of Bobigny - Commercial Court of Bobigny |
Tribunal of Commerce of Paris - Commercial Court of Paris |
Tribunal of Commerce of Roanne - Commercial Court of Roanne |
Tribunal of Commerce of Toulouse - Commercial Court of Toulouse |
Gobierno: |
Region Alsace - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Alsace |
Region Aquitaine - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Aquitaine |
Region Auvergne - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Auvergne |
Region Bourgogne - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Burgundy |
Region Bretagne - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Brittany |
Region Centre - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Centre |
Region Champagne-Ardenne - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Champagne-Ardenne |
Region Franche-Comte - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Franche-Comte |
Region Ile-de-France - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Ile-de-France |
Region Languedoc-Roussillon - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Languedoc-Roussillon |
Region Limousin - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Limousin |
Region Lorraine - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Lorraine |
Region Midi-Pyrenees - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Midi-Pyrenees |
Region Nord-Pas of Calais - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Nord-Pas of Calais |
Region Basse-Normandie - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Lower Normandy |
Region Haute-Normandie - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Upper Normandy |
Region Pays de la Loire - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Pays de la Loire |
Region Picardie - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Picardie |
Region Poitou-Charentes - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes |
Region Provence-Alpes-Cotes d'Azur - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Provence-Alps-Cotes d'Azur |
Region Guadeloupe - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Guadeloupe |
Region Martinique - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Martinique |
Region Reunion - Conseil Regional - Regional Council of Reunion |
Gobiernos locales y municipalidades |
Departement of l'Aisne - Conseil General - Department of l'Aisne - General Council |
Departement of l'Allier - Conseil General - Department of l'Allier - General Council |
Departement des Alpes-Maritimes - Conseil General - Department of Alpes-Maritimes - General Council |
Departement of l'Aube - Conseil General - Department of l'Aube - General Council |
Departement of l'Aude - Conseil General - Department of l'Aude - General Council |
Departement of l'Aveyron - Conseil General - Department of Aveyron - General Council |
Departement des Bouches-du-Rhône - Conseil General - Department of Bouches du Rhône - General Council |
Departement du Calvados - Conseil General - Department of Calvados - General Council |
Departement de la Charente - Conseil General - Department of Charente - General Council |
Departement de la Charente-Maritime - Conseil General - Department of Charente-Maritime - General Council |
Departement du Cher - Conseil General - Department of Cher - General Council |
Departement de la Corrèze - Conseil General - Department of Corrèze - General Council |
Departement de la Haute-Corse - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Corse - General Council |
Departement de la Côte-d'Or - Conseil General - Department of Côte d'Or - General Council |
Departement des Côtes-d'Armor - Conseil General - Department of Côtes d'Armor - General Council |
Departement de la Creuse - Conseil General - Department of Creuse - General Council |
Departement de la Dordogne - Conseil General - Department of Dordogne - General Council |
Departement de la Drôme - Conseil General - Department of Drôme - General Council |
Departement of l'Eure - Conseil General - Department of Eure - General Council |
Departement d'Eure-et-Loir - Conseil General - Department of Eure and Loir - General Council |
Departement du Finistère - Conseil General - Department of Finistère - General Council |
Departement de la Haute-Garonne - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Garonne - General Council |
Departement du Gers - Conseil General - Department of Gers - General Council |
Departement de la Gironde - Conseil General - Department of Gironde - General Council |
Departement of l'Herault - Conseil General - Department of Herault - General Council |
Departement d'Ille-et-Vilaine - Conseil General - Department of Ille and Vilaine - General Council |
Departement d'Indre-et-Loire - Conseil General - Department of Indre and Loire - General Council |
Departement of l'Isère - Conseil General - Department of Isère - General Council |
Departement des Landes - Conseil General - Department of Landes - General Council |
Departement de la Loire - Conseil General - Department of Loire - General Council |
Departement de la Haute-Loire - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Loire - General Council |
Departement of Loire-Atlantique - Conseil General - Department of Loire-Atlantique - General Council |
Departement du Loiret - Conseil General - Department of Loiret - General Council |
Departement du Lot - Conseil General - Department of Lot - General Council |
Departement du Lot-et-Garonne - Conseil General - Department of Lot and Garonne - General Council |
Departement of Maine-et-Loire - Conseil General - Department of Maine and Loire - General Council |
Departement de la Haute-Marne - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Marne - General Council |
Departement de la Mayenne - Conseil General - Department of Mayenne - General Council |
Departement of Meurthe-et-Moselle - Conseil General - Department of Meurthe and Moselle - General Council |
Departement du Morbihan - Conseil General - Department of Morbihan - General Council |
Departement de la Moselle - Conseil General - Department of Moselle - General Council |
Departement de la Nièvre - Conseil General - Department of Nièvre - General Council |
Departement du Nord - Conseil General - Department of Nord - General Council |
Departement of l'Oise - Conseil General - Department of Oise - General Council |
Departement of l'Orne - Conseil General - Departement of l'Orne - General Council |
Departement du Pas-de-Calais - Conseil General - Department of Pas of Calais - General Council |
Departement des Pyrenees-Atlantiques - Conseil General - Department of Pyrenees-Atlantiques - General Council |
Departement des Hautes-Pyrenees - Conseil General - Department of Hautes-Pyrenees - General Council |
Departement des Pyrenees-Orientales - Conseil General - Department of Pyrenees-Orientales - General Council |
Departement du Bas-Rhin - Conseil General - Department of Bas-Rhin - General Council |
Departement du Rhône - Conseil General - Department of Rhône - General Council |
Departement of Saône-et-Loire - Conseil General - Department of Saône and Loire - General Council |
Departement de la Sarthe - Conseil General - Department of Sarthe - General Council |
Departement de la Savoie - Conseil General - Department of Savoie - General Council |
Departement of Haute-Savoie - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Savoie - General Council |
Departement de la Seine-Maritime - Conseil General - Department of Seine-Maritime - General Council |
Departement of Seine-et-Marne - Conseil General - Department of Seine and Marne - General Council |
Departement des Yvelines - Conseil General - Department of Yvelines - General Council |
Departement de la Deux-Sèvres - Conseil General - Department of Deux-Sèvres - General Council |
Departement du Tarn - Conseil General - Department of Tarn - General Council |
Departement du Var - Conseil General - Department of Var - General Council |
Departement of Vaucluse - Conseil General - Department of Vaucluse - General Council |
Departement de la Haute-Vienne - Conseil General - Department of Haute-Vienne - General Council |
Territoire of Belfort - Conseil General - Territory of Belfort - General Council |
Departement of l'Essonne - Conseil General - Departement of l'Essonne - General Council |
Departement des Hauts-de-Seine - Conseil General - Department of Hauts of Seine - General Council |
Departement de la Seine-Saint-Denis - Conseil General - Department of Seine-Saint-Denis - General Council |
Departement du Val-de-Marne - Conseil General - Department of Val of Marne - General Council |
Departement du Val-d'Oise - Conseil General - Department of Val d'Oise - General Council |
Departement de la Guadeloupe - Conseil General - Department of Guadeloupe - General Council |
Departement de la Martinique - Conseil General - Department of Martinique - General Council |
Office Departemental du Tourisme de la Martinique - Departemental Tourism Office of Martinique |
Departement de la Reunion - Conseil General - Department of Reunion - General Council |
Comite du Tourisme de la Reunion - Committee of Tourism of Reunion |
Ville d'Albi - City of Albi |
Ville d'Angers - City of Angers |
Ville d'Annecy-le-Vieux - City of Annecy-le-Vieux |
Ville d'Annonay - City of Annonay |
Ville d'Arcachon - City of Arcachon |
Ville d'Avignon - City of Avignon |
Ville of Belfort - City of Belfort |
Ville of Besançon - City of Besançon |
Ville of Bondy - City of Bondy |
Ville of Bordeaux - City of Bordeaux |
Ville of Brest - City of Brest |
Ville of Caen - City of Caen |
Ville of Carquefou - City of Carquefou |
Ville of Cassis - City of Cassis |
Ville of Chambery - City of Chambery |
Ville of Clichy - City of Clichy |
Ville of Cognac - City of Cognac |
Ville of Compiègne - City of Compiègne |
Ville of Couëron - City of Couëron |
Ville of Dijon - City of Dijon |
Ville of Ducos (Martinique) - City of Ducos (Martinique) |
Ville of Felletin - City of Felletin |
Ville of Fort-de-France (Martinique) - City of Fort-de-France (Martinique) |
Ville of Frejus - City of Frejus |
Ville of Gardanne - City of Gardanne |
Ville of Gordes - City of Gordes |
Ville of Grenoble - City of Grenoble |
Ville d'Hautmont - City of Hautmont |
Ville of Lançon - City of Lançon |
Ville of Lille - City of Lille |
Ville of Limoges - City of Limoges |
Ville of Lyon - City of Lyon |
Ville of Marseille - City of Marseille |
Ville of Metz - City of Metz |
Ville of Montigny - City of Montigny |
Ville of Montmorency - City of Montmorency |
Ville of Montpellier - City of Montpellier |
Commune du Moule (Guadeloupe) - Municipality of Le Moule (Guadeloupe) |
Ville of Mulhouse - City of Mulhouse |
Ville of Nanterre - City of Nanterre |
Ville of Nantes - City of Nantes |
Ville of Nevers - City of Nevers |
Ville of Nice - City of Nice |
Ville of Nîmes - City of Nîmes |
Ville of Niort - City of Niort |
Ville d'Orly - City of Orly |
Ville d'Orsay - City of Orsay |
Ville of Paris - City of Paris |
Ville of Poitiers - City of Poitiers |
Village of Pourrières - Village of Pourrières |
Ville of Reims - City of Reims |
Ville of Rennes - City of Rennes |
Ville of Reze - City of Reze |
Ville of Rochefort - City of Rochefort |
Ville of Rouen - City of Rouen |
Ville of Saint-Denis - City of Saint-Denis |
Ville of Saint-Denis (La Reunion) - City of Saint-Denis (La Reunion) |
Ville of Saint-Dizier - City of Saint-Dizier |
Commune of Saint-François (Guadeloupe) - Municipality of Saint-François (Guadeloupe) |
Ville of Saint-Maximin la Saint-Baume - City of Saint-Maximin la Saint-Baume |
Ville of Saint-Nazaire - City of Saint-Nazaire |
Village of Signes - Village of Signes |
Ville of Strasbourg - City of Strasbourg |
Ville du Tampon (La Reunion) - City of Le Tampon (La Reunion) |
Village of Touët sur Var - Village of Touët sur Var |
Ville of Toulon - City of Toulon |
Ville of Toulouse - City of Toulouse |
Ville of Trinite (Martinique) - City of Trinite (Martinique) |
Ville of Versailles - City of Versailles |
Ville of Vichy - City of Vichy |
Ville of Voiron - City of Voiron |
Embassies and Consulates |
Ambassade of France à Alger, Algerie - French Embassy in Algiers, Algeria |
Mission economique et Financière - French Economic and Financial Mission |
Ambassade of France à Andorre la Vieille, Andorre - French Embassy in Andorra la Vella, Andorra |
Ambassade of France à Luanda, Angola - French Embassy in Luanda, Angola |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Abou Dabi, emirats Arabes - French Embassy in Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Dubai, emirats Arabes - French Consulate General in Dubai, Arab Emirates |
Ambassade of France à Buenos Aires, Argentine - French Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Service Culturel, Scientifique et of Cooperation - Cultural, Scientific and Cooperational Service |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Buenos Aires, Argentine - French Consulate General in Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Ambassade of France à Erevan, Armenie - French Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia |
Ambassade of France à Canberra, Australie - French Embassy in Canberra, Australia |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Sydney, Australie - French Consulate General in Sydney, Australia |
Ambassade of France à Vienne, Autriche - French Embassy in Vienna, Austria |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Bakou, Azerbaïdjan - French Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Manama, Bahreïn - French Embassy in Manama, Bahrein |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Dhaka, Bangladesh - French Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Minsk, Belarus - French Embassy in Minsk, Belarus |
Consulat General of France à Anvers, Belgique - French Consulate General in Anvers, Belgium |
Ambassade of France à Bruxelles, Belgique - French Embassy in Brussels, Belgium |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Bruxelles, Belgique - French Consulate General in Brussels, Belgium |
Consulat General of France à Liège, Belgique - French Consulate General in Liège, Belgium |
Ambassade of France à Cotonou, Benin - French Embassy in Cotonou, Benin |
Ambassade of France à La Paz, Bolivie - French Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzegovine - French Embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Brasilia, Bresil - French Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Mission Economique et Financière - Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Recife, Bresil - French Consulate General in Recife, Brazil |
Consulat General of France à Rio of Janeiro, Bresil - French Consulate General in Rio of Janeiro, Brazil |
Consulat General of France à São Paulo, Bresil - French Consulate General in São Paulo, Brazil |
Ambassade of France à Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei - French Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Sofia, Bulgarie - French Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - French Embassy in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat of France à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - French Consulate in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso |
Ambassade of France à Phnom Penh, Cambodge - French Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Yaounde, Cameroun - French Embassy in Yaounde, Cameroon |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Moncton et Halifax, Canada - French Consulate General in Moncton and Halifax, Canada |
Consulat General of France à Montreal, Canada - French Consulate General in Montreal, Canada |
Ambassade of France à Ottawa, Canada - French Embassy in Ottawa, Canada |
Service Culturel - Cultural Service |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Quebec, Canada - French Consulate General in Quebec, Canada |
Consulat General of France à Toronto, Canada - French Consulate General in Toronto, Canada |
Consulat General of France à Vancouver, Canada - French Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada |
Ambassade of France à Praia, Cap Vert - French Embassy in Praia, Cape Verde |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Ambassade of France à Ndjamena, Tchad - French Embassy in Ndjamena, Chad |
Ambassade of France à Santiago, Chili - French Embassy in Santiago, Chile |
Service of Cooperation Scientifique et Technologique - Scientific and Technological Cooperation Service |
Mission Militaire - Military Mission |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Pekin , Chine (Republique Populaire) - French Embassy in Beijing, China (People's Republic) |
Mission Economique et Financière - Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Canton , Chine (Republique Populaire) - French Consulate General in Canton, China (People's Republic) |
Consulat General of France à Shanghai , Chine (Republique Populaire) - French Consulate General in Shanghai, China (People's Republic) |
Consulat General of France à Wuhan , Chine (Republique Populaire) - French Consulate General in Wuhan, China (People's Republic) |
Poste d'Expansion Economique à Taipei , Chine (Republique) - French Trade Commission in Taipei, China (Republic) |
Ambassade of France à Bogotá, Colombie - French Embassy in Bogota, Colombia |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à San Jose, Costa Rica - French Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica |
Ambassade of France à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire - French Embassy in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire - French Consulate General in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire |
AmbaFrance Ambassade of France à Zagreb, Croatie - French Embassy en Zagreb, Croatia and Section Consulaire (Consular Section) |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à La Havane, Cuba - French Embassy in Havana, Cuba |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Nicosie, Chypre - French Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Prague, Republique Tchèque - French Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Service Culturel, Scientifique et of Cooperation - Cultural, Scientific and Cooperational Service |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Copenhague, Danemark - French Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Djibouti, Djibouti - French Consulate General in Djibouti, Djibouti |
Ambassade of France à Saint-Domingue, Republique Dominicaine - French Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Quito, Equateur - French Embassy in Quito, Ecuador |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Alexandrie, Egypte - French Consulate General in Alexandria, Egypt |
Ambassade of France à Le Caire, Egypte - French Embassy in Cairo, Egypt |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à San Salvador, El Salvador - French Embassy in San Salvador, El Salvadorá |
Ambassade of France à Tallinn, Estonie - French Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Addis Abeba, Ethiopie - French Embassy in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Suva, Fidji - French Embassy in Suva, Fiji |
Ambassade of France à Helsinki, Finlande - French Embassy in Helsinki, Finland |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Libreville, Gabon - French Embassy in Libreville, Gabon |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Libreville, Gabon - French Consulat General in Libreville, Gabon |
Ambassade of France à Berlin, Allemagne - French Embassy in Berlin, Germany |
Service Culturel - Cultural Service |
Service pour la Science et la Technologie - Service for Science and Technology |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Düsseldorf, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Dusseldorf, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Francfort, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Hambourg, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Hamburg, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Munich, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Munich, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Sarrebruck, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Saarbrücken, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Stuttgart, Allemagne - French Consulate General in Stuttgart, Germany |
Consulat General of France à Edimbourg, Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande du Nord - French Consulate General in Edinburgh, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Ambassade of France à Accra, Ghana - French Embassy in Accra, Ghana |
Ambassade of France à Londres, Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande du Nord - French Embassy in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Service Culturel - Cultural Service |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Ambassade of France à Athènes, Grèce - French Embassy in Athens, Greece |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Athènes, Grèce - French Consulate General in Athens, Greece |
Consulat General of France à Salonique, Grèce - French Consulate General in Thessaloniki, Greece |
Ambassade of France à Guatemala, Guatemala - French Embassy in Guatemala City, Guatemala |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Conakry, Guinee - French Embassy in Conakry, Guinea |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Hong Kong - French Consulate General in Hong Kong |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Budapest, Hongrie - French Embassy in Budapest, Hungary |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Reykjavik, Islande - French Embassy in Reykjavik, Iceland |
Consulat General of France à Calcutta, Inde - French Consulate General in Calcutta, India |
Consulat General of France à Bombay, Inde - French Consulate General in Mumbai, India |
Ambassade of France à New Delhi, Inde - French Embassy in New Delhi, India |
Mission Economique et Financière - Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Pondichery et Chennai, Inde - French Consulate General in Pondichery and Chennai, India |
Ambassade of France à Jakarta, Indonesie - French Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Teheran, Iran - French Embassy in Tehran, Iran |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Dublin, Irlande - French Embassy in Dublin, Ireland |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Haïfa, Israël - French Consulate General in Haïfa, Israel |
Consulat General of France à Jerusalem, Israël - French Consulate General in Jerusalem, Israel |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Tel Aviv, Israël - French Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Naples, Italie - French Consulate General in Naples, Italy |
Ambassade of France à Rome, Italie - French Embassy in Rome, Italy |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Turin et Gênes, Italie - French Consulate General in Turin and Genoa, Italy |
Ambassade of France à Kingston, Jamaïque - French Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Tokyo, Japon - French Embassy in Tokyo, Japan |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Ambassade of France à Amman, Jordanie - French Embassy in Amman, Jordan |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Almaty, Kazakhstan - French Embassy in Almaty, Kazakhstan |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Ambassade of France à Nairobi, Kenya - French Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Seoul , Coree (Republique) - French Embassy in Seoul, Korea (Republic) |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Koweït, Koweït - French Embassy in Kuwait City, Kuwait |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Vientiane, Laos - French Embassy in Vientiane, Laos |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Riga, Lettonie - French Embassy in Riga, Latvia |
Ambassade of France à Beyrouth, Liban - French Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Beyrouth, Liban - French Consulate General in Beirut, Lebanon |
Ambassade of France à Luxembourg, Luxembourg - French Embassy in Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat of France à Luxembourg, Luxembourg - French Consulate in Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
Consulat General of France à Tamatave, Madagascar - French Consulate General in Tamatave, Madagascar |
Ambassade of France à Tananarive, Madagascar - French Embassy in Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Tananarive, Madagascar - French Consulate General in Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Ambassade of France à Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie - French Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Bamako, Mali - French Embassy in Bamako, Mali |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à La Valette, Malte - French Embassy in Valletta, Malta |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Nouakchott, Mauritanie - French Embassy in Nouakchott, Mauritania |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Port-Louis, Maurice - French Embassy in Port-Louis, Mauritius |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Mexico, Mexique - French Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Mexico, Mexique - French Consulate General in Mexico City, Mexico |
Consulat General of France à Monaco - French Consulate General in Monaco |
Consulat General of France à Agadir, Maroc - French Consulate General in Agadir, Morocco |
Consulat General of France à Casablanca, Maroc - French Consulate General in Casablanca, Morocco |
Consulat General of France à Fes, Maroc - French Consulate General in Fes, Morocco |
Consulat of France à Marrakech, Maroc - French Consulate in Marrakech, Morocco |
Ambassade of France à Rabat, Maroc - French Embassy in Rabat, Morocco |
Mission economique et Financière - French Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Rabat, Maroc - French Consulate General in Rabat, Morocco |
Consulat General of France à Tanger, Maroc - French Consulate General in Tanger, Morocco |
Ambassade of France à Maputo, Mozambique - French Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Windhoek, Namibie - French Embassy in Windhoek, Namibia |
Ambassade of France à Katmandou, Nepal - French Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal |
Consulat General of France à Amsterdam, Pays-Bas - French Consulate General in Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Ambassade of France à La Haye, Pays-Bas - French Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Wellington, Nouvelle-Zelande - French Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Ambassade of France à Managua, Nicaragua - French Embassy in Managua, Nicaragua |
Ambassade of France à Niamey, Niger - French Embassy in Niamey, Niger |
Ambassade of France à Abuja, Nigeria - French Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria |
Ambassade of France à Oslo, Norvège - French Embassy in Oslo, Norway |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Mascate, Oman - French Embassy in Muscat, Oman |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Islamabad, Pakistan - French Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Service of Cooperation et d'Action Culturelle |
Consulat General of France à Islamabad, Pakistan - French Consulate General in Islamabad, Pakistan |
Consulat General of France à Karachi, Pakistan - French Consulate General in Karachi, Pakistan |
Ambassade of France à Panama, Panama - French Embassy in Panama City, Panama |
Ambassade of France à Assomption, Paraguay - French Embassy in Asuncion, Paraguay |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Lima, Perou - French Embassy in Lima, Peru |
Service Culturel, Scientifique et of Cooperation - Cultural, Scientific and Cooperational Service |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Manille, Philippines - French Embassy in Manila, Philippines |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Cracovie, Pologne - French Consulate General in Krakow, Poland |
Ambassade of France à Varsovie, Pologne - French Embassy in Warsaw, Poland |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Lisbonne, Portugal - French Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Lisbonne, Portugal - French Consulate General in Lisbon, Portugal |
Consulat General of France à Porto, Portugal - French Consulate General in Porto, Portugal |
Ambassade of France à Doha, Qatar - French Embassy in Doha, Qatar |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Bucarest, Roumanie - French Embassy in Bucharest, Romania |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Moscou, Federation of Russie - French Embassy in Moscow, Russian Federation |
Mission economique et Financière - French Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Saint Petersbourg, Federation of Russie - French Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
Consulat General of France à Djeddah, Arabie Saoudite - additional site - French Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia |
Ambassade of France à Riyad, Arabie Saoudite - French Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Dakar, Senegal - French Embassy in Dakar, Senegal |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Dakar, Senegal - French Consulate General in Dakar, Senegal |
Consulat General of France à Saint Louis, Senegal - French Consulate General in Saint Louis, Senegal |
Ambassade of France à Victoria, Seychelles - French Embassy in Victoria, Seychelles |
Ambassade of France à Singapour - French Embassy in Singapore |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Bratislava, Slovaquie - French Embassy in Bratislava, Slovakia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Ljubljana, Slovenie - French Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Bureau du Tourisme Français à Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud - French Tourist Office in Johannesburg, South Africa |
Ambassade of France à Pretoria, Afrique du Sud - French Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Alicante, Espagne - French Consulate General in Alicante, Spain |
Consulat General of France à Barcelone, Espagne - French Consulate General in Barcelona, Spain |
Consulat General of France à Bilbao, Espagne - French Consulate General in Bilbao, Spain |
Ambassade of France à Madrid, Espagne - French Embassy in Madrid, Spain |
Service Culturel - Cultural Service |
Service pour la Science et la Technologie - Service for Science and Technology |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Madrid, Espagne - French Consulate General in Madrid, Spain |
Consulat General of France à Sevilla, Espagne - French Consulate General in Sevilla, Spain |
Ambassade of France à Colombo, Sri Lanka - French Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Khartoum, Soudan - French Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan |
Ambassade of France à Stockholm, Suède - French Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Service Scientifique et Technologique - Scientific and Technological Service |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Berne, Suisse - French Embassy in Bern, Switzerland |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Genève, Suisse - French Consulate General in Geneva, Switzerland |
Consulat General of France à Zurich, Suisse - French Consulate General in Zurich, Switzerland |
Ambassade of France à Damas, Syrie - French Embassy in Damascus, Syria |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Dar es Salaam, Tanzanie - French Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
Ambassade of France à Bangkok, Thaïlande - French Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Centre of Documentation Universitaire Scientifique et Technique |
Ambassade of France à Lome, Togo - French Embassy in Lome, Togo |
Consulat of France à Lome, Togo - French Consulate in Lome, Togo |
Ambassade of France à Tunis, Tunisie - French Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia |
Mission economique et Financière - French Economic and Financial Mission |
Consulat General of France à Tunis, Tunisie - French Consulate General in Tunis, Tunisia |
Ambassade of France à Ankara, Turquie - French Embassy in Ankara, Turkey |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Consulat General of France à Istanbul, Turquie - French Consulate General in Istanbul, Turkey |
Ambassade of France à Kampala, Ouganda - French Embassy in Kampala, Uganda |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Kiev, Ukraine - French Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Consulat General of France à Atlanta, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Atlanta, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Boston, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Boston, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Chicago, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Chicago, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Houston, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Houston, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Los Angeles, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Los Angeles, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Miami, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Miami, United States of America |
Consulat Honoraire of France à Milwaukee, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Honorary Consulate in Milwaukee, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à Nouvelle Orleans, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in New Orleans, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à New York, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in New York, United States of America |
Bureau du Tourisme Français à New York, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Government Tourist Office in New York, United States of America |
Consulat General of France à San Francisco, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in San Francisco, United States of America |
Mission Scientifique et Technologique - Scientific and Technological Mission |
Ambassade of France à Washington, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Embassy in Washington, United States of America |
Service Culturel - Cultural Service |
Mission Scientifique et Technologique - Scientific and Technological Mission |
Consulat General of France à Washington, etats-Unis d'Amerique - French Consulate General in Washington, United States of America |
Ambassade of France à Montevideo, Uruguay - French Embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay |
Ambassade of France à Caracas, Venezuela - French Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Hanoi, Vietnam - French Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam |
Postes d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commissions |
Ambassade of France à Sanaa, Yemen - French Embassy in Sana, Yemen |
Section Consulaire - Consular Section |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Belgrade, Yougoslavie - French Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Ambassade of France à Harare, Zimbabwe - French Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe |
Poste d'Expansion Economique - French Trade Commission |
Representation Permanente de la France auprès of l'Union Europeenne à Bruxelles - Permanent Representation of France to the European Union in Brussels |
Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies à Genève - Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in Geneva |
Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies à New York - Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in New York |
Representation de la France auprès de la Conference du Desarmement à Genève - Representation of France to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva |
Politica y Elecciones |
PS Parti Socialiste - Socialist Party |
MJS Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes - Movement of Young Socialists |
Section d'Antony |
Section d'Asnières |
Section Boulogne-Billancourt |
Groupe de la Region Midi-Pyrenees |
Federation de la Martinique |
Federation du Nord |
Federation of Paris |
Section du 11ème Arrondissement of Paris |
Section of Villeneuve Les Bezier |
RPR Rassemblement pour la Republique - Movement for the Republic |
Groupe RPR à l'Assemblee Nationale - Group of the RPR in the National Assembly |
Federation of Paris |
UDF Union pour la Democratie Française - Union for the French Democracy |
Democratie Liberale - Liberal Democracy |
Federation of Jura |
FN Front National - National Front |
PCF Parti Communiste Français - French Communist Party |
Groupe Communiste of l'Assemblee Nationale - Communist Group in the National Assembly |
PRG Parti Radical of Gauche - Radical Party of the Left |
Federation of l'Ardèche |
Federation des Ardennes |
Federation du Calvados |
Federation du Cantal |
Federation de la Haute-Corse |
Federation du Nord |
Federation of Paris |
Federation des Yvelines |
Les Verts - The Greens |
Les Verts d'Aubervilliers |
Les Verts du Calaisis |
Les Verts Lorraine |
Les Verts Vallee of Montmorency |
MDC Mouvement des Citoyens - Movement of Citizens |
RPF-IE Rassemblement pour la France et l'Independance of l'Europe - Movement for France and the Independence of Europe |
Federation of Loire Atlantique |
MNR Mouvement National Republicain - National Republican Movement |
Federation of l'Ariège |
Federation du Sarthe |
Lutte Ouvrière - Workers' Fight |
LCR Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire - Revolutionary Communist League |
Jeunesses Communistes Revolutionnaires - Revolutionary Communist Youth JCR |
LCR Alsace |
LCR Bordeaux-Gironde |
CPNT Chasse Pêche Nature Traditions - Hunting Fishing Nature Traditions |
MEI Mouvement ecologiste Independant - Independent Ecological Movement |
Parti Humaniste - Humanist Party |
Parti de la Loi Naturelle - Natural Law Party |
Parti Federaliste |
Parti Federaliste of Franche-Comte |
Parti Federaliste d'Ile of France |
PNS Parti Neo-Socialiste |
Parti Blanc |
Parti Constitutionnel - Constitutional Party |
POBL Parti pour l'Organisation d'une Bretagne Libre - Party for the Organisation of a Free Brittany |
Unvaniezh Demokratel Breizh / Union Democratique Bretonne (UDB) - Breton Democratic Union |
NFEL Nationalforum Elsaß-Lothringen / Forum Nationaliste d'Alsace-Lorraine - National Forum of Alsace-Lorraine |
Corsica Nazione - Corsican Nation |
Manca Naziunale |
Corse Nouvelle |
POC Partit Occitan / Occitan Party |
Partit Nacionalista Occitan - Occitan Nationalist Party |
Ligue Savoisienne - Savoisian League |
Parti pour la Normandie Independante - Party for the Independent Normandy |
Information of Organizaciones |
ADF Assemblee des Departements of France - Assembly of the Departments of France |
ACFCI Assemblee des Chambres Françaises of Commerce et d'Industrie - Assembly of the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
Conseil Superieur du Notariat |
Francia Phones - FR / FRA / (+33) - Find Mobile Phones and Internet Companies. |
National France - Public Register and Online Services. Government Guide, Forms, Information, Phone and Address
Constitution of France Telephones - Laws and Legal Information
France Elections - Candidates, Calendar, Election Results. Politic Information - Presidents, ministers and politic leaders
France Phone - Find Phones and Mobile Companies
Archive National Information Resources |
France Government Telephones - Online Public Services. List of Phone Numbers and Address. Gov Offices and Institutions.